Cases in Naturopathic Practice William A. Mitchell, 2007 (2013 edition)
Dr. Mitchell spent years working on a final book, which was not published before his death. It includes hundreds of his actual clinical cases, and details the treatments that were utilized and the outcomes achieved. He used many of these cases as teaching material in his class Advanced Naturopathic Therapeutics at Bastyr University.
This book was edited posthumously by Dr. Leah Mitchell.
Foundations of Natural Therapeutics:
Biochemical Apologetics of Naturopathic Medicine
William A. Mitchell, 1997 – Teaching manual in question and answer format. Each frame builds on information from previous frames. This book was used as a text in Dr. Mitchell’s Advanced Naturopathic Therapeutics class at Bastyr University. Some Naturopathic Physicians report that they still use this book as a reference in their practice, and are reminded of important concepts to apply to clinical cases.
Applications of Botanical Remedies in Naturopathic Medicine
William A. Mitchell, 1983 (2000 edition) – Foundation for his later work, Plant Medicine in Practice. This text includes many images of biochemical plant compounds not found in the later work.
Plant Medicine in Practice Using the Teachings of John Bastyr
Elsevier Science, 2003 – Use of plant medicines as Dr. Bastyr presented them in his lectures, by physiologic systems, augmented by Dr. Mitchell’s personal experience with their usage. This is an excellent clinical tool when choosing herbal medicines to address particular health concerns. It includes Dr. Mitchell’s most current thoughts on dosing and herb combining, as well as a useful index for quick reference.